About Annalise
Hi! I’m Annalise, and apparently my last name means “never ending.” I love Jesus Christ, and I believe that he loves me too (and he loves you, reader friend!). I’m an extrovert and I love people-- I’ve been described as a human Golden Retriever. I am a firm believer in dancing on good days, cups of tea on bad days, and hugs and adventures on all days.
I’m a writer who is struggling to recognize that I am always in transit. I’m trying to love well and live well, and part of that has been learning to communicate well through my writing. It’s not just about creation—it’s about telling people’s stories in a way that honors them. It’s about processing my own story in way that honors me and glorifies the God who gave me these words.
Vidi is Latin for “I saw.” The past tense suggests that journey, that memory of awe when you experienced or learned something for the first time. It’s a realization of discovery and adventure, and that’s what writing has done for me. It has allowed me to see the world and make discoveries with compassionate eyes and a poet’s heart.

I hope Vidi gives you greater cause to rejoice, greater capacity to love, and greater ability to see.
My Current Jam
Sapling by Foy Vance & Anderson East